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Club Penguin Furniture Cheats: August and September

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Cool... the new furniture catalog from Club Penguin came out, and from the looks of it, there seems to be a lot of kitchen, and construction furniture. Cool. The Club Penguin catalog cheats are posted below:


1. Go to your igloo

2. Click on the tape-measure

3. Click the Better Igloo's Catalog (the blue one)

4.To find the bowling pin cheat, go to the 1st of the book

5. Click the burners on the stove


Bowling Pin Cheat

Bowling Pin Cheat


You have now found the bowling pin cheat!

Here is how to find the Bowling Alley cheat

6. Go to the 2nd of the book

7. Click the mirror


Bowling Alley Cheat

Bowling Alley Cheat


You have now found the Bowling Alley cheat!

Here is how to find the Fridge cheat

8. Stay on the 2nd page of the book

9. Click the burners on the stove


Fridge Cheat

Fridge Cheat


You have now found the Fridge cheat!

Here is how to find the Wall Speaker cheat

10. Go to the 3rd page

11. Click the DJ table


Wall Speaker Cheat

Wall Speaker Cheat


You have now found the Wall Speaker cheat!

Here is how to find the Band Stage cheat.

12. Stay on the 3rd page

13. Click the Gramophone


Band Stage Cheat

Band Stage Cheat


You have now found the Band Stage Cheat!

Here is how to find the LCD TV cheat.

14. Go to the 4th page

15. Click the flame on the Bamboo Torch


LCD TV Cheat

LCD TV Cheat


You have now found the LCD TV cheat!

Here is how to find the Guitar Stand

16. Stay on the 4th page

17. Click on the Stone Column Ruins


Guitar Stand Cheat

Guitar Stand Cheat


You have now found the Guitar Stand cheat!

Here is how to find the Penguin Knight Sculpture

18. Go to the 6th page

19. Click on the Medieval Banner


Penguin Knight Sculpture Cheat

Penguin Knight Sculpture Cheat


You have now found the Penguin Knight Sculpture cheat!


Coolz... but where is the Green Puffle Beanbag Chair we voted for? Oh well guess it'll come next month.


Oh and by the way... check out the new flooring: Blue Polka-Dot Floor for 530 coins, and the Dance Flooring for 280 coins. Coolz I'll be putting the blue polka dot one in my igloo!


Dance FlooringBlue Polka-Dot Floor



#1 fishface 2009-08-21 21:31
I needed speakers :-)

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