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Club Penguin May 2010 Clothing Catalog Cheats!

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Hey Guys! It's Sk8tergrl with the Clothing Catalog cheats with all new Medieval clothing inside! There's many cheats, so let's get started!



Here's how to find the Dragon Costume:

1. Go to the 3rd page

2. Click on the first candlestick on the bookshelf



You have now found the Dragon Costume!

Here's how to find the Beautiful Braids:

3. Go to the 4th page

4. Click on the pattern at the bottom the the curtain



You have now found the Beautiful Braids!

Here's how to find the Green Hooded Cloak:

5. Go to the 6th page

6. Click on the middle stone that I circled



You have now found the Green Hooded Cloak!

Here's how to find Red Viking Helmet:

7. Go to the 7th page

8. Click on the coffee cup to the right




You have now found the Red Viking Helmet!

Here's how to find the Blue Viking Helmet:

9. Stay on the 7th page

10. Click on the coffee cup to the right 4 times



You have now found the Blue Viking Helmet!

Here's how to find Green Face Paint:

11. Go to the 8th page

12. Click on the pink floor light under the girl penguin



You have now found the Green Face Paint!

Here's how to find the Dazzling Blue Top Hat!

11. Go to the sixth page

12. Click on the water bottle



You have now found the Dazzling Blue Top Hat!

Here's how to find the Top Hat:

13. Stay on the 9th page

14. Click on the cups



You have now found the Top Hat!

Here's how to find the Dazzling Blue Tux:

15. Go to the 10th page

16. Click on the red button on the camera:



You have now found the Dazzling Blue Tux!

Here's how to find the Cocoa Bunny Costume:

17. Go to the 11th page

18. Click on the left top of the mountain



You have now found the Cocoa Bunny Costume!

Here's how to find the Cocoa Bunny Ears:

19. Stay on the 11th page

20. Click on the tree's the penguin is making



You have now found the Cocoa Bunny Ears!

Here's how to find the Pastel Suede Jacket

19. Stay on the 11th page

20. Click on the mountain top to the right




You have now found the Pastel Suede Jacket!

Here's how to find the Pom Pom Scarf

21. Stay on the eighth page

22. Click on the tree top on the right hand side



You have now found the Pom Pom Scarf!


Then there's also the Medieval catalog exclusively for the Medieval Party! Let's check it out. To open it, just click on the piece of parchment above the penguin style catalog icon:



Wow! Very Medievaly! Lol! I will definitely wear this Medieval clothing during the party!!



#8 leiac2901 2010-07-24 06:14
I do too really. :sad:
#7 lola3012 2010-06-02 09:59
i saw it lots of times so i am not boved but i want to no how do you get a rainbow puffle
#6 alyssa 2010-05-23 05:55
you get the viking helment by clicking on the red one lots of times i have a blue one and red my penguins name is rey619 you will see me on yeti today so hurray
#5 pickles 2010-05-17 13:19
hi are you posting more please do bye
#4 pickles 2010-05-17 13:19
wheres more face paint
#3 penguin party pooper 2010-05-09 11:31
how do you get the gold vicking helment
#2 lolgirl 2010-05-08 20:35
#1 mark 121 2010-05-08 15:13
super cool

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