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Club Penguin Furniture Catalog June-July Edition

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There's a new furniture catalog out today... here's the cheats:



Here's how to find the Tropical Palm:

1. Go to the first page

2. Click on the top part of the cash registar


You have now found the Tropical Palm!

Here's how to find the HD-TV:

3. Go to the first page

4. Click on the knob on the clothes rack



You have now found the HD-TV!

Here's how to find the Bamboo Torch:

5. Go to the second page

6. Click on the third window of the Pirate Ship



You have now found the Bamboo Torch!

Here's how to find the Ficus Plant:

6. Go to the third page

7. Click on the blue flower


You have now found the Ficus Plant!

Here's how to find the Poodle Plant:

8. Stay on the third page

9. Click on the leaf highlighted in the picture



You have now found the Poodle Plant!

Here's how to find the Bulrushes:

10. Go to the fourth page

11. Click on the fish on the red banner



You have now found the Bulrushes!

Here's how to find the Snake Grass:

12. Stay on the fourth page

13. Click on the middle spike on the King's Throne



You have now found the Snake Grass!

Here's how to find the Green Deck Chair

14. Go to the sixth page

15. Click on the second shelf in the bookcase



You have now found the Green deck Chair!

Here's how to find the Recycling Bin

16. Stay on the 4th apge

17. Click on the curtian rod



You have now found the Recycling Bin!

Here's how to find the Green Bookcase

18. Stay on the 4th page

19. Click on the lamp



You have now found the Green Bookcase!

Also there's a new igloo: The Fishbowl!!




Well that's about it...



#42 Dunkyd 2012-11-06 09:15
not working
#41 Tommy 2012-06-01 11:55
hi cjay28 tommorow when school ends can you meet me who is called Tttommy2005 at the fire dojo.
#40 Stella423 2012-03-27 22:36
sorry this information has no use anymore, because it's 2012 and this is 2009, so no one can do this cheat anymore. :sad:
#39 steve 2011-10-14 14:35
#38 Candances Controler Janet Rapeageam 2011-08-19 14:41
Hi im candances's controler im Janet Rapeageam i live in Canada i have 2 kids they are idenacle twins there names are Cali And Cathy I Love Family Guy Amercan Dad And The Simpons I Am 27
#37 Bttf2 2011-08-19 14:27
#36 sara 2011-08-13 21:34
this is cool!!
#35 airi44 2011-06-15 00:31
i like the tv and the clothes its very cool!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!
#34 StephanieV 2011-05-29 11:25
IKR! but it's done! WHA WHA WHAAA! Right now It's may! and YOu'll get PUMPED for some new partys! hAVE FUN!

P.S (My penguin's name is vanessa14481 and theirs a member party if your a member, so come their if ur a member!
#33 Stephanie 2011-05-29 11:21
Hi Everyone! iiiiiiiii cant wait for the june catalog! my friend on cp said she look on web! I Looked but no sign! Please tell me all the june cheats if u found any! My Penguins name is Vanessa14481

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