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Club Penguin Furniture Catalog Septemeber October Edition

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There's a new Furniture Catalog out with loads of back to school items! Let's see what cheats I found:



Here's how to find the Umbrella Table:

1. Go to the second page

2. Click on the computer mouse


You have now found the Umbrella Table!

Here's how to find the Log Table:

3. Go to the third page

4. Click on the first drawer of the log drawers



You have now found the Log Table!

Here's how to find the Rock Wall:

5.  Go to the fourth page

6. Click on the top of the modern art scupture


You have now found the Rock Wall!

Here's how to find the Quarter Note:

5. Go to the fifth page

6. Click on the bottom speaker of the speaker



You have now found the Quarter Note!

Here's how to find the Drum Set:

7. Stay on the fifth page

8. Click on the first turntable of the Dj Table



You have now found the Drum Set!

Here's how to find the Guitar Stand:

9. Go to the sixth page

10. Click on the disco mirror highlighted



You have now found the Guitar Stand!

Here's how to find the Lanterns:

11. Stay on the sixth page

12. Click on the word Disco



You have now found the Lanterns!

Here's how to find the Music Stand:

13. Stay on the sixth page

14. Click on the Eighth Note



You have now found the Music Stand!

Here's how to find the Tropical Palm:

15. Go to the seventh page

16. Click on the top part of the cash registar



You have now found the Tropical Palm!

Here's how to find the HD-TV:

17. Go to the seventh page

18. Click on the knob on the clothes rack



You have now found the HD-TV!

I can't wait to make a school with all of the new school stuff!



#4 Sheesh4 2010-09-22 07:47
OMG! That is mean, and cruel! I'm sorry! =(
#3 perri 16370 2010-09-21 09:08
my sister got on to my penguin and banned me!!!!!!!!!!!!i cant last till tommro to buy these things o cant wait till HALLOWWEEN!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!WA HA HA EVIL LAUGH
#2 Sheesh4 2010-09-17 15:47
Thanks for sharing these cheats with us all! very helpful!!!
#1 Sheesh4 2010-09-16 15:22
Yay! New furniture! =D

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