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Clothing Catalog Cheats

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Wow... Club Penguin has lots of summer and safari stuff. Pretty cool. But anyways lets get to the cheats!

1. The Canteen

2. The Woodsman Hat
The Club Penguin Woodsman HatThe Club Penguin Woodsman Hat
3. The Crystal Staff

4. Blue Dragon Costume
The Club Penguin Blue Dragon CostumeThe Club Penguin Blue Dragon Costume
5. Black Graduation Cap
Club Penguin Black Graduation CapClub Penguin Black Graduation Cap
6. Red and Blue Viking Helmets
Club Penguin Red and Blue Viking HelmetsClub Penguin Red and Blue Viking HelmetsClub Penguin Red and Blue Viking Helmets

Pretty sweetness. I like the red sunglasses, and the green bathing suit. What do you like?



#4 Sadie1823 2009-07-03 17:01
Ok this is not a insult to your site but the canteen has changed its area to the clam between the girl in the boy the page before

Yours in club penguin Sadie1823
#3 Sadie1823 2009-07-01 02:23
Im sadie1823 (again)
My sugestion for money is to get the club penguin toys there are 3 serises
If you get one of each you get 3000 coins or if you get different ones it is 1500 coins.
and again this cataloge is way better and maybe I wish they had a sunglasses store that would be so cool right so everyone could have a different pair of sunnys.

your in club penguin

#2 Hollister469 2009-06-20 20:06
yah i know clubpenguin didnt give many cheats last time than this time..................

#1 cprocks 2009-06-06 20:06
so much better than last month where there was like 1

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