Your guide to Club Penguin Catalogs on Club Penguin!

Feburary-March Clothing Catalog 2011!

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There's new clothes :) Look at all the cute puffles!








Now off to cheat land :)


Here's how to find the Red and Blue Viking Helmets:

1. Go to the first page

2. Click on the white part of the hat



You have now found the Red Viking Helmet!

Now if you x out and click on it 4 times you will get the Blue Vikingh Helmet:


You have now found the Blue Viking Helmet!

Here's how to find the Big White Scarf:

3. Go to the 10th page

4. Click on the circled tree



You have now founf the Big White Scarf!

Here's how to find the Chic outfit:

5. Go to the 11th page

6. Click on the "penguins"



You have now found the Chic outfit!

Here's how to find the Blue Fuzzy Hat:

7. Go to the 12th page

8. Click on the F in Coffee



You have now found the Blue Fuzzy Hat!

Here's how to find the Puffle Pullover:

9. Stay on the 12th page

10. Click on either blue light bulbs


You have now found the Puffle Pullover!

Here's how to find the Yellow Toque and Black Whirlpool Snowsuit:

11. Go to the 13th page

12. Click on the snow step




You have now found the Yellow Toque and Black Whirlpool Snowsuit!

Here's how to find the Candy Can Wing Warmers:

13.Stay on the 13th page

14. Click on the yellow puffle



You have now found the Candy Cane Wing Warmers!

Here's how to find the Blue Earmuffs:

15. Go to the 14th page

16. Click on the tree circled



You have now found the Blue Earmuffs!

Here's how to find the Blue Striped Scarf:

17 Stay on the 8th page

18. Click on the tree circled



You have now found the Blue Striped Scarf!

Here's how to find the Blue Mittens:

19: Stay on the 14th page

20. Click on the tree circled



You have now found the Blue Mittens!

Here's how to find the Gingerbread Costume:

21:Go to the 15th page

22. Click on the tree circled



You have now found the Gingerbread Costume!

Here's how to find theSnowman Costume:

23: Stay on the 15th page

24. Click on the mountain I circled



Here's how to find the Snowboard Boots:

25: Go to the 16th page

26.  Click on  the Tree bulb



You have now found the Snowboard Boots!

Here's how to find the Brown Teal Cap, and the Green Vest:

27. Go to the 17th page

28. Click on the circled tree



Brown Teal Cap, and the Green Vest!

Here's how to find the Blue Designer Scarf:

29. Go to the 18th page

30. Click on the pink penguin's beak



You have found the Blue Designer Scarf!

Here's how to find the Pink Designer Scarf:

31. Go to the 19th page

32. Click on the purple penguin's beak



You have now found the Pink Designer Scarf!

Here's how to find the diver suit:

33. Go to the 20th page

34. Click on the bubble I circled



You have now found the Diver Suit!


Pretty cool! I really like the blonde pigtails with the pink puffle:)



#6 chloe 2011-03-12 09:01
who knows wher to get the jumper where its dark blue then light blue? HHHEEEELLLLPPPP
#5 sop 2011-02-23 17:42
heyy cool
#4 Lakelynator 2011-02-12 18:23
Hey lolathin4. All i gotta say is yes. I was a member but sadly somehow my account got hacked.
#3 lolathin4 2011-02-08 10:17
heyy do u have to be a member to get theese items
#2 sk8tergrl483 2011-02-04 19:58
I'm really sorry but I am really busy durring the week. I just finished writing a 3000 word short story for language arts and I usually have ton of homework during the week and go to bed really late... My teachers are giving less homework now so I will be able to post more Often now :-) I'm really sorry for all the delays and I hope it doesn't happen again :-):-):-) thanks for your support and patience :-)
#1 Lollamepen 2011-02-04 17:53
sk8ter u dont post any thing on clubpenguinland anything like you're busy are you?

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