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May-June 2011 Penguin Style Catalog!

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Loads of new style with medieval clothing! Here's all the cheats:



Here's how to find Red and Blue Viking Helmets:

1. Go to the second page

2. For the red viking helmet, click the puffle once, for the blue, click it four times x in and out




You have now found the Red and Blue Viking Helmet!

Here's how to find the blue dragon feet:

3. Go to the 4th page

4. Click on the board



You have found the Blue Dragon Feet!

Here's how to find the White Cocoa Bunny Costume:

3. Go to the 7th page

4. Click on the small mountain in the background



You have now found the White Cocoa Bunny Costume!

Here's how to find the White Cocoa Bunny Ears:

5. Stay on the 7th page

6. Click on the wheel



You have now found the White Cocoa Bunny Ears!

Here's how to find the Country Gal:

7. Go to the 8th page

8. Click on the moon



You have now found the Country Gal!

Here's how to find the Cocoa Bunny Costume:

9. Go to the 9th page

10. Click on the bottle



You have now found the Cocoa Bunny Costume!

Here's how to find the Cocoa Bunny Ears:

11. Stay on the 9th page

12. Click on the barrel



You have now found teh Cocoa Bunny Ears!

Here's how to find the Ocean Blue Hoodie:

13. Go to the 10th page

14. Click on the beak



You have now found the Ocean Blue Hoodie :)

Here's how to find the Blue Flower Sandels:

15. Go to the 11th page

16. Click on the speaker



You have now found the Blue Flower Sandels :)

Here's how to find the Big White Scarf:

17. Go to the 16 page

18. Click on the circled N



You have now founf the Big White Scarf!

Here's how to find the Chic outfit:

19. Go to the 15h page

20. Click on the "clearence"



You have now found the Chic outfit!


So what do you think?



#14 jellybeans 2011-12-13 01:57
well i want the cheerleader outfit !!! can someone tell me a cheat for it cause its not in the catalog!!!
#13 kdll 2011-09-03 03:11
i want! those sunglasses
#12 Bloom576 2011-08-26 08:35
The red chearleading coustume is in the stage catolog
(Red vs. Blue) right now.
#11 ticaizzy 2011-07-22 12:56
4evagirl ur right im waiting soo long for the white diva glasses they were there when i was on clubpenguin but i wasnt a member soo if i see u ill say hi to u im ticaizzy
#10 issyorabbit 2011-07-10 04:31
i really want them plz plz tell how to get them.

p.s im issyorabbit on cp im also member
#9 Kelly 2011-07-09 12:06
I, really want those white diva sunglasses too! :sad:
#8 Darnline 2011-06-27 12:32
Is, the white diva sunglasses, coming in, July,9th, in 2011??? Let, me know! i really want them... everybody has them ,and i'm wondering where, and when you get them!!
#7 Dasygirl101 2011-06-03 15:11
How, do I get the white-sunglasse s? Well, there called the diva sun-glasses, that's what I call them. Lol, everybody has them, and every single boy likes the penguins that wear the sunglasses! Why? Why do they like all those penguins that have the sunglasses??? OCKWARD...!
#6 mcdonald1876 2011-06-02 18:06
yeah yeah yeah this is the bomb cheats site for cp
#5 4evagal615 2011-05-14 21:03
i REALLY REALLY REALLY want the cheerleading costume from club penguin! how do i get it and how long do i have to to wait??? REPLY ASAP OR REPORT TO AQUA 4340 WHO IS ALWAYS IN THE SERVER big foot or below zero or abominable! plz help sk8ter!!! ( btw i really also want the white sunglasses all the cool ppl wear. how long do i have to wait for that to come back 2 the catolog??) i 4got the numbers i used last time in my username

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