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New Pin Cheat: The Compass Pin!

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There's a new pin out. The Compass Pin! Here's how to find it:


1. Go to the Town

2. Go to the Night Club

3. Go down through the speaker

4. Go over to the boiler




You have now found the Compass Pin! I love how the pin is so small!



#9 Hannah 2010-07-31 14:42
Yeah you are soo right.But I didn't find it with the cheats on CPL.I only heard a penguin say NEW PIN OUT AT BOILER ROOM NOW!!!!!GO GO GO!!
#8 Hannah 2010-07-31 10:15
I'm sorry I couldn't meet you yesterday I did not know you would reply on the same day!But as I said I'm going today but not until 2:00 so if you can reply before then I would be delighted!
Thank you!
#7 Hannah defne 2010-07-31 08:01
sorry sk8tergrl yesterday I wasn't at CPL to reply so how about today Server:north pole but make it but plz make it before 10:00 because I have to get ready then.Bye!
#6 sk8tergrl483 2010-07-30 11:01
Hi hannah Define! Since I can't meet you tomorrow, how about today. If you'd like to see me at the following time below comment back on this post. Here's the details:

Server: Outback
Room: Ski Hill
Time: Let's say 12:00 PST 3:00 EST
Date: Didn't I already say this? Today lol

Please reply if you can make it. If not we can make some other arangements. Bye!
#5 Hannah 2010-07-30 09:08
Um sk8tergrl wanna meet me some time to be buddies on CP?My name is still the same if you just tell me all the info for the meeting I'll be there.But not tommorow because I' going to a friends house-whole day.
Can't wait for you to reply!
#4 hannah defne 2010-07-30 09:04
Yeah um sk8tergrl wanna meet me some time to be buddies on CP?My name is the same but I can't meet you tommorow I'm going to a friends house for the whole day but you can tell me what server and time and the place!
Can't wait for you to replay!
#3 sk8tergrl483 2010-07-30 06:53
actually i'm a dudett lol but i'll except dude :-)
#2 aj 2010-07-30 01:07
it was so hidden!! thnx 4 the help dude!!
#1 aj 2010-07-30 01:07
it was so hidden!! thnx 4 the help dude!!

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