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Ice Cream Sundae Pin Cheat!

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Here's the cheat for the new pin that came out today. It's an ice cream sundae and it is located Pizza Parlor. The pin is near the band section. Yummy.

Image of sk8tergrl483 and the Ice Cream Sundae cheat on Club PenguinImage of the Ice Cream Sundae cheat on Club Penguin

LOL i'm eating all the ice cream!!! Yummmmmmmmmmyyy!!!



#4 madison22rox 2010-07-15 11:27
cant find it
#3 CATHE 123 2009-07-21 01:06
#2 sk8tergrl483 2009-05-25 08:15
hmmmmmmm this is probably a glitch. I so sorry. If you send an email or something to clubpenguin maybe they'll fix it. If you decide to send anything make sure to do it before friday because on friday the new sports catalog comes out!!!
Hope this helped!!!
#1 Kaleigh 1997 2009-05-24 19:15
Sk8tergrl =)
This is nothing about Rockhopper or the pin but I went to go buy the base in the snow and sports catalog and it says "This item is not currently availible". Why won't it let me buy this????????

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