Rockhopper Has Been Spotted Through the Telescope!

User Rating:  / 7

Rockhopper, as always, will make an appearence at the Fall Fair. Today we first saw him nearing the island!



I always enjoy following Rockhopper around and watching him tell stories :) Have you ever met RH before?

Waddle On CPL!




#6 avishiappu 2012-02-22 06:17
If rockhopper come hey! ............... ............... ....ho and red puffle !.............. ...........
#5 avishiappu 2012-02-22 06:17
If rockhopper come hey! ............... ............... ....ho and red puffle !.............. ...........
#4 avishiappu 2012-02-22 06:17
If rockhopper come hey! ............... ............... ....ho and red puffle !.............. ...........
#3 619cupcake 2011-12-01 18:21
hi guys how r all my penguins!!!
#2 Loo129 2011-09-27 09:52
ahh i love rockhopper but i think all his presents should be for non members 2 though
#1 Loo129 2011-09-27 09:51
eww so amazing not

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