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Puffle Party Update!

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Cool! This Friday, Club Penguin is having the second annual Puffle Party! If you are an older Club Penguin member, you will know that at the Puffle Party, all of the different puffles have their own room with stuff that represent the puffle. For instance, the black puffle likes to skateboard, so that puffle is in the pool room skateboarding. Since the white puffle was discovered a year ago it wasn't in the party but this year it will be. Club Penguin gave us a sneak peek at the white puffle room. Check it out:


It looks like it will be chilly in the Mine this Friday!

This party will have rooms for the puffles, decorations, games, and a surprise room for members (this room will probably will have the puffle show, and training course lol)!



Cool! I just adopted all of the puffles, and I can't wait till the party!



#2 mickey mouse 2012-02-01 14:43
thanks this seems awesome
#1 MagicWand124 2010-02-17 15:55
Hey sk8tergrl483 guess what! BillyBob just say in the new blog that the puffle party will be on Thursday instead of Friday because he know we penguins want stuff to come out early. Aren't you excited!!!!!!!! !!!!

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