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Ok What's Up With Club Penguin Dropping Our Favorite Parties?

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Ok So what's up? Club Penguin's been dropping our favorite events and parties lately! I mean yea Club penguin's parties that they do have are very good and getting much better, but half of them never come into CP or at least not this year. Let's look at the events they've dropped in the past 5 months:


First we did have a Holiday Party but not a Christmas party :( I think it's because not everyone is Christian, but that kinda stinks:P


Then just recently St. Patrick's day came along right? Well Club penguin had a really good St. Patty's day party last year but not this year, in fact I don't know if they even did have a party going on in March :( I think this one was taken out because of the "Saint" in St. Patrick's day :( Again religion


And now they have taken out the coolest easter egg hunt ever!!! We all just wanted to have a fun little easter egg hunt over the island like the last two years!!!!



So I guess it all has to do with religion.... kinda stinks though. I was really hoping for cool parties this year too... I wonder what party will be next Halloween?



#6 lollipop299 2010-09-25 13:47
They replaced the easter party with a stupid party for april fools :sad: I HATE APRIL FOOLS GOD IT ISN'T FUN ON THAT DAY PPL JUST GO AROUND AND TRY TO SCARE U AND DO IMMATURE STUFF if any of u repley and say something mean i know most of u like it well i just don't like it
#5 a walt 2010-04-09 15:55
i really liked the Easter egg hunt: :sad:
#4 sk8tergrl483 2010-04-08 06:54
yea all of those parties were good especially the St. Patricks day party last year. You can look at it here, but I bet this year's party would've been better! :-(
#3 sk8tergrl483 2010-04-08 06:53
oh sorry forgot to post that one :-)
#2 Jolly233 2010-04-07 21:42
oh man that sucks!!
#1 mac mouse 1 2010-04-06 14:14
they also got rid of the fiesta party

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