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Money For Doing The 101 Days Of Fun

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At first I wasn't too sure about the 101 Days Of Fun, but now I think I'll do more of it and here's why. Club Penguin is randomly giving away 1001 coins to anyone that is participating in the 101 Days Of Fun.... and I want money (even though I'm still rich from the coin cheat ;-). Here is a picture of some penguins getting ready for today's challenge: getting through the game Jet Pack Adventure without any coins.


Club Penguin Jet Pack


Yup... just some ordinary penguins. Speaking of penguins, who's ready for our first CPL party??? I am.... and I can't wait!!!! Oh yeah and one more thing when you go to log in, there is a little icon and it says what to do today for 101 Days Of Fun! Check it out!!


101 Days of Fun at Club Penguin

Pretty cool find... right?



#1 Slappy5 2009-06-16 06:36
I want 1001 coins!!! Now that I know that I'll do 101 days of fun more!!!

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