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Club Penguin Mission Cheats 10 | Waddle Squad

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Here are the cheats for Club Penguin Mission 10: Waddle Squad


  1. Talk to Gary
  2. After you are done talking, click on the big blue board in the box. Put it in your dock
  3. Go to the Beach
  4. Talk to the Jet Pack guy
  5. Go to the Lighthouse
  6. Grab the bottle of Cream Soda by the boat. Put it in your dock
  7. Hand it to the Jet Pack guy
  8. Ok the next is a mini game here's how to do it: 8,0,0: 3,5,0: 3,2,3: 6,2,0: 6,0,2: 1,5,2: 1,4,3: 4,4,0
  9. Talk to the Jet Pack Guy
  10. Go to the Dock and ask the penguin for rope. He will give you rope.
  11. Go to the Gift Shop
  12. Talk to the penguin
  13. Put the table and the clearence items outside
  14. Talk to Rookie
  15. Take out the blue board. Attach the blue board to the wires
  16. Another mini game. The pen is a soldering iron. It's basicly connect the dots, but the same lines can't touch. Attach the blue line to the blue lline, red to red, and yellow to yellow with the soldering iron. The red thing is a the solder sucker, in case you mess up.
  17. Go into the Night Club
  18. Put the rope on the contraption that lifts the cage
  19. Try lifting the cage by lifting the lever. It's broken.
  20. Take the wrench out of your spyphone.
  21. Another mini game. Just put the gears back together.
  22. The cage should be lifted
  23. Go outside to the Town. The phone should be ringing. Pick it up.
  24. Herbert's at the Dock! Go! Go! Go!
  25. It's a fake Herbert, and Klutzy's holding it
  26. The phone is ringing yet again. Pick it up.
  27. Go to the Night Club. Herbert's there.
  28. Talk to Herbert. Click the lever to trap Herbert
  29. Talk to Herbert. You phone is ringing again. Answer it.
  30. Talk to Herbert.
  31. Make it so the disco lights are facing the solar panel
  32. Talk to the other agents.
  33. Get the medal and gift

Congratulations!  You have completed mission 10!



#12 mmadiii 2012-10-06 13:37
where is mission 11 cheats
#11 Akhil 2012-08-06 08:19
Thank u very MUCH!!
#10 awsomenrd3 2012-06-01 21:34
this didn't really help because i couldn't put the stuff outside
#9 avishiappu 2012-03-10 21:27
wow i did it! SUPER but............ tricky GAME! and neat one............ ...........
#8 xximmyxx877 2011-05-28 06:24
thank for helping me out
#7 Ashee-jabne 2011-04-26 05:06
did you figure it out? im stuck
#6 P644375437 2011-04-07 13:59
I have tried this and i do not get the gift what do i do?
#5 P8354548 2011-04-07 13:57
press help you know the message in the bottle do that need help then click the page each time and you need to follow the instructions then you have done it. Please give me credit for that. Thanks
#4 NEED HELP 2010-06-15 15:53
How do you do 4,4,0 ? I dont know how tips please someone it's hard for me!
#3 Jolly233 2010-04-06 20:48
awesome thanks for the help , do u know when the new mission will come ??

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