Your guide to Club Penguin Parties on Club Penguin!

Club Penguin Is Turning 4 Today | Party Hat Cheat

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Wow Club Penguin is turning 4 already! The Town, The Coffee Shop, and the Book Room are all decorated, so check them out.


We'll start with the Town. If you can see there are many penguins, so be sure to get your party hat soon :-)



Club Penguin Town

Club Penguin Town


Then we get into the Coffee Shop. There are also many penguins in here.


Coffee Shop

Coffee Shop


And then we get up to the Book Room. Here you can find the new 08-09 yearbook.

Book Room

 Book Room


Also there is a new party hat cheat and here's how to find it.


  1. Go to the Town.
  2. Go to the Coffee Shop.
  3. Scroll your mouse past the pinata
  4. A party hat should fall out of it. Then walk towards it.





Party Hat Cheat

Party Hat Cheat


You have now found the 4th Club Penguin Anniversary Party Hat!


Well that's about it... see ya around CP!



#8 luigi 2010-09-05 18:05
i got in the room with no problems
#7 luis 2010-09-05 18:03
i was there
#6 aman 2010-07-07 04:14
when to find the party hat
#5 Cechi1 2010-02-23 05:59
#4 sandythorn 2009-11-28 22:48
i got that hat
#3 fishface 2009-10-31 12:25
looked awesome but I missed the party
#2 Taco Peace 2009-10-25 13:53
Yea it was. and then on tuesday halloween party!!! see ya there!:-)
#1 Mama Bear 2009-10-24 20:21
It was very crowded today on CP. Hard to take pictures! :-)

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