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Club Penguin 5th Anniversary Log In Screen!

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Well Like every big event CP has this ought to be the biggest, and like all the other major parties, they all have log-in screens. Here's the 5th B-day log in screen:




I seriously can not wait for this party. Lol!



#4 Bttf2 2011-06-01 19:35
i wish i was there
#3 pingie088 2010-10-19 17:28
#2 Cutie12390 2010-10-18 21:06
I know this should be a time to be happy, but its not. Wanna know why? DISNEY IS SELLING CP! How do i know? Well i met someone and they said that they read it in real newspaper! Its true! What if the new company is bad and makes cp boring?! I guess we have to just hope that the new company is good. Bye disney, hi new company...
#1 Cutie12390 2010-10-18 16:38
I have a guess for the hat. I heard this and i think its true. I think the hat will be green and red for Christmas. What do you think? I hope it is red and green! lol

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