Question Corner: Question 3!
- Details
- Category: CPL Question Corner
- Published on 13 September 2010
- Written by sk8tergrl483
I am so sorry! Thank you so much Magic Wand 124 for reminding me about question corner... I've been so caught up with homework that I completely forgot. Since my mistake has caused you confusion, I'm doing not one b ut TWO questions this week... yes it's a Monday, but better late than never. Question Corner will be going on ever Saturday still just sayin =)
Ok onto the questions. For my first question I have chosen Magicwand 124's question , "If you own Club Penguin, what would you changed?"
If I could own Club Penguin I would probably give non-members a bit more freedom. Not the entire Club Penguin but maybe somewhat more that what they are given right now, for example maybe a non-member catalog around 1 to 2 pages; like a demo book and there you could buy clothing and about 5 peices of furniture. This wouldn't be updated but it would let non-members feel what it's like to buy some clothing and they would be limited but yet the could let out some of their creativity :)
The next question is from Lollamepen. The question is,"Hey sk8tergrl483, whats your favorite thing in club penguin and why do you created this website for club penguin?"
My favorite thing to do on Club Penguin is to have fun and be creative! I waddle around all the time making new friends and meeting up with old ones! I go to my house just about every day and because of Club Penguin letting us save igloos we've bought I change around my igloo about everyday trying to get that 30 penguins in you house stamp! Lol! I created this site to get away from the outside world. Believe me posting is one of the greatest feelings in the world for me. I feel like I'm helping someone somewhere with something on Club Penguin that he/she doesn't understand. I also feel like when I'm giveing away Club Pengun memberships that I'm letting them experience everything possible on Club Penguin. This blog brings me a lot of happiness =D Did you know that this is the 587 blog post I've made since day one? :O That's a lot of posts lol!
Thanks for the questions Magicwand 124 and Lollamepen!
Again Question Corner will be resuming on Saturday! Get your comments in and I might post you question!
If you'd like to send me a question through question corner please send me a comment under this post and next week I'll pick out another question!
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