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November-December 2011 Clothing Catalog Cheats :)

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There's a new Card-Jitsu inspired Catalog! There's also a ton of cheats, so let's dig into our sushiiiii ^_^



Here's how to find the Pink and Blue Flip Flops:

1. Go to the 3rd page

2. click on the flower



You have now found the Pink and Blue Sandels!

Here's how to find the Brown Leather Cuffs:

3. Go to the 4th page

4. Click on the blue penguin's fist



You have now found the Brown Leather Cuffs!




LOL the Sushi Chef xD

Here's how to find Red and Blue Viking Helmets:

5. Go to the 7th page

6. For the red viking helmet, click the puffle once, for the blue, click it four times x in and out

Here's how to find the Flying Fairy Costume:

9. Go to the 8 page

10. Click on the window circled


You have now found the Flying Fairy!


Here's how to find the Candy Corn Costume:

1. Go to the 8 page

2. Click on the windowsill



You have now found the Candy Corn Costume!

Here's how to find the Flashlight:

3. Stay on page 8

4. Click on the window



You have now found the Flashlight!

Here's how to find the Frankenstein Costume:

5. Go to the 9th Page

6. Click on the crack in the floor



You have now found the Frankenstein Costume!
Here's how to find the Horse Costume:

7. Stay on the 9 page

8. Click on the girl's eyes.



You have now found the Horse Costume!

Here's how to find the Black Superhero:

9. Go to the 10 page

10. Click on the teeth


You have now found the Black Superhero Mask!

Here's how to find the Fur Boots:

11. Go to the 10 Page

12. Click on the tree


You have now found the Fur Boots.

Here's how to find the Blue Duck:

11. Go to the 12 page

12. Click on the blue flag



You have now found the Blue Duck!

Here's how to find the Green Wheeler:

13. Go to the 13 page

14. Click on the top of the mountain



You Have now found the Green Wheeler!

Here's how to find the Summit Boots:

15. Go to the 14 page

16. Click on the treetop


You have now found the Summit Boots!

Here's how to find the Gnarly Helmet:

17. Go to the 15 page

18. Click on the treetop


You have now found the Gnarly Helmet!


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