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New Penguin Style Catalog

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Yup, plain old stuff... wait  minute!!! This looks like stuff for the Music Jam!!! AWESOME!!! Let's get to these cheats.


1. The Red/Blue Viking Helmets cheat: Go to the page with the piano, and click on it. You should get a red viking helmet. To get the blue viking helmet, click out and in four time on the red viking helmet.


2. The Canteen cheat: Go to the page with all the swimsuits, and click on the rock in the left-hand corner.


3. The Crystal Staff cheat: Go to the "Penguins At Work" page, and click on "Penguins".


4. The Woodsman Hat cheat: Go to the page with all the royal gowns, and click on the far right window.


5. The Blue Dragon Costume heat: Go to the page with the Royal Knight, and Court Jester. Then click on the shadow on the staircase.


6. The Graduation Cap cheat: Go to the page in the Coffee Shop, and click on th "C" in Clearance.


This is all sooo cool. Now lets try and find he Sensei!!!



#4 bobbyjack666 2010-10-18 17:37
i want to know where the pumkin basket is for halloween. p.s you cant go trick or teating without a trick or treat bag thanks so much. if you cant find that i want the blond hair with the blue bow. thanks so much please thanks any way.
#3 jessiebabe 2010-06-16 11:49
um can i ask something????
i really want the blonde hair with the blue bow and i never can find it! please help me by asking club penguin or helping me to get it and the black jumper. thanks!
#2 iamcool 2010-05-09 18:10
this is the worst just kidding
#1 ELIGHJA 2009-11-11 18:21
thats so old like when was this made?

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