Club Penguin Clothing Catalog Cheats September 2009
- Details
- Category: Club Penguin Catalog
- Published on 04 September 2009
- Written by sk8tergrl483
Here are the cheats for the September Clothing Catalog on Club Penguin.
Here's how to find the bow-tie cheat:
- Go to the 2nd page of the catalog
- Click on the computer mouse
September Catalog Bow-Tie Cheat
Now you have found the bow-tie cheat!
Here's how to find the Red Viking Helmet cheat:
- Go to the 6th page of the catalog
- Click on the inner part of the piano
September Clothing Catalog Red Viking Helmet Cheat
You have now found the Red Viking Helmet cheat!
Here's how to find the Blue Viking Helmet cheat
- Go to the 6th page of the catalog
- Click on the inner part of the piano
- Keep on clicking out and in on the piano and the Red Viking Helmet four times.
September Clothing Catalog Blue Viking Helmet Cheat
You have now found the Blue Viking Helmet cheat!
I have also found a cheat/glitch... this might be fixed soon so check it out!
- Go to the 10th page of the book
- Click on the 2nd A in Clearance
Club Penguin Clothing Catalog Cheat
Weird it shows you the wig on the right...
WHAT? Only three cheats? Hmmm must be cutting back on cheats or something... weird.... lots of weird stuff.
its getting lammer i reacon with no cheats
there is no surprise now
and there lowwering the number of new items
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