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New Club Penguin Style Catalog March/April Edition!

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Cool! There's a new catalog here packed full of cheats! This months catalog seems to focus on the upcoming Penguin Play Awards! Cool! Now here's the cheats:


Here's how to find the Dazzling Blue Top Hat!

1. Go to the third page

2. Click on the water bottle



You have now found the Dazzling Blue Top Hat!

Here's how to find the Top Hat:

3. Stay on the third page

4. Click on the cups



You have now found the Top Hat!

Here's how to find the Dazzling Blue Tux:

5. Go to the fourth page

6. Click on the red button on the camera:



You have now found the Dazzling Blue Tux!

Here's how to find the Purple Sundress and Brunette Hairstyle

7. Go to the third page

8.  Click on the left tree top



You have now found the Purple Sundress and Brunette Hairstyle!

Here's how to find the Pastel Suede Jacket

9. Stay on the third page

10. Click on the mountain top to the right



You have now found the Pastel Suede Jacket!

Here's how to find the Pom Pom Scarf

11. Stay on the second page

12. Click on the tree top on the right hand side



You have now found the Pom Pom Scarf!

Here's how to find the Pink Snorkel

13. Go to the fourth page

14. Click on the snowman's nose



You have now found the Pink Snorkel

Here's how to find the Pink Flippers

15. Stay on the fourth page

16. Click on the Mountain Peak



You have now found the Pink Flippers!

Here's how to find the Jade Necklace

17. Stay on the fourth page

18. Click on the snowman's hat



You have now found the Jade Necklace! 

Here's how to find the Red and Blue Viking Helmet 

19. Go to the third page

20. Click on the bubble

21. Click out and in of the Red Viking Helmet four times




You have now found the Red and Blue Viking Helmet!  

Here's how to find the Long Johns: 

23. Go to the seventh page

24. Click on the top of the fir tree



You have now found the Long Johns! 

Here's how to find the Drumsticks: 

25. Stay on the seventh page

26. Click on the drumsticks in the tree



You have now found the Drumsticks! 

Here's how to find the Trumpet: 

27. Stay on the seventh page

28. Click on the trumpet stuck in the tree



You have now found the Trumpet!

Here's how to find the Acoustic Guitar: 

29. Stay on the seventh page

30. Click on the Guitar stuck in the tree



You have now found the Acoustic Guitar! 

Here's how to find the Snare Drum: 

31. Stay on the seventh page

32. Click on the drum underneath the tree



You have now found the Snare Drum!





#9 Dance1519 2011-06-30 09:57
SOoo Cool!!!!!!!!!!! !!
#8 oreo 2011-05-23 13:25
im hot right
#7 Princess6020 2010-04-09 14:37
Thx a buch for the info about the awsome outfit that i allways longed for and thx for letting me get it finally.(Plus, it looks cute on my penguin too and all the boys like me now EEEEEEKKKKKK!!! !) THX A BUNCH ITS ONE OF A MILLION THX!!!!!!!
#6 a walt 2010-03-31 20:10
i saw it all aready i found them myself
#5 sk8tergrl483 2010-03-07 05:52
well, if you check our comment tracker here and refresh it regulaly, you could probably see him. Lots of ppl have used it and the tracker has been succesful
Hope this helped!
#4 locket33 2010-03-06 10:53
i have every thing too i always look.
do you know were rockhopper is right now.
i have been on club penguin for 270 days and i have never seen rockhopper in my life.
#3 lollipop 2010-03-05 19:19
#2 Spencer 2010-03-05 05:21
i have about lets say all of those items
#1 Farrah 2010-03-05 04:34
i have everything!

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