Your guide to Club Penguin Catalogs on Club Penguin!

January-Feburary Clothing Catalog 2011!

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There's new clothes :) Here's the cheats:



Here's how to find the Red and Blue Viking Helmets:

1. Go to the first page

2. Click on the white part of the hat



You have now found the Red Viking Helmet!

Now if you x out and click on it 4 times you will get the Blue Vikingh Helmet:


You have now found the Blue Viking Helmet!

Here's how to find the Big White Scarf:

3. Go to the 4th page

4. Click on the circled tree



You have now founf the Big White Scarf!

Here's how to find the Blue Fuzzy Hat:

5. Go to the 6th page

6. Click on the F in Coffee



You have now found the Blue Fuzzy Hat!

Here's how to find the Puffle Pullover:

7. Stay on the 6th page

8. Click on either blue light bulbs


You have now found the Puffle Pullover!

Here's how to find the Yellow Toque and Black Whirlpool Snowsuit:

9. Go to the 7th page

10. Click on the snow step




You have now found the Yellow Toque and Black Whirlpool Snowsuit!

Here's how to find the Candy Can Wing Warmers:

11.Stay on the 7th page

12. Click on the yellow puffle



You have now found the Candy Cane Wing Warmers!

Here's how to find the Blue Earmuffs:

13. Go to the 8th page

14. Click on the tree circled



You have now found the Blue Earmuffs!

Here's how to find the Blue Striped Scarf:

15 Stay on the 8th page

16. Click on the tree circled



You have now found the Blue Striped Scarf!

Here's how to find the Blue Mittens:

17: Stay on the 8th page

18. Click on the tree circled



You have now found the Blue Mittens!

Here's how to find the Gingerbread Costume:

19:Go to the 9th page

20. Click on the tree circled



You have now found the Gingerbread Costume!

Here's how to find theSnowman Costume:

21: Stay on the 9th page

22. Click on the mountain I circled



Here's how to find the Snowboard Boots:

23: Go to the 10th page

24.  Click on  the Tree bulb



You have now found the Snowboard Boots!

Here's how to find the Brown Teal Cap, and the Green Vest:

25. Go to the 11th page

26. Click on the circled tree



Brown Teal Cap, and the Green Vest!

Here's how to find the Blue Designer Scarf:

27. Go to the 12th page

28. Click on the pink penguin's beak



You have found the Blue Designer Scarf!

Here's how to find the Pink Designer Scarf:

29. Go to the 13th page

30. Click on the purple penguin's beak


You have now found the Pink Designer Scarf!

Here's how to find the Frankenpenguin Costume:

31. Go to the 15th page

32. Click on the bride of frankenstien's beak



You have now found the Frankenpenguin Costume!

Here's how to find the Frankenpenguin Head:

33. Stay on the 15th page

34. Click on the vampire's beak



You have now found the Frankenpenguin Head!

Here's how to find the Crook and Flails:

35. Go to the 16th page

36. Click on the circled ghost



You have now found the Crook and Flails!

Here's how to find the diver costume:

27. Go to the 14th page

28. Click on the bubble



You have now found the Diver Costume!



#10 Maple trees101 2011-02-05 16:46
you missed one
#9 nikkislovesnoopy 2011-02-03 18:47
now it is, this sucks,i can't find any secrets!grrr! XD
#8 Amber 2011-02-03 15:18
When is the February clothing catalog coming?
#7 Kiara 2011-01-31 18:40
Thank u who ever u r
#6 Kiara 2011-01-31 18:39
me too
#5 bananagirl2214 2011-01-26 14:26
Thank you so much
#4 Unknown46 2011-01-25 19:37
its not February yet donut girl.
#3 Kittykatz447 2011-01-22 15:55
Thanks so much~!
I love my pink designer scarf!
#2 donutgurl2 2011-01-22 11:12
ugh i thought this was the february catalog!
#1 peacegirl209 2011-01-16 10:51
i love the green jacket thank u

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