Your guide to Club Penguin Catalogs on Club Penguin!

April - May 2011 Furniture Catalog Cheats!

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There's a new Furniture Catalog that is full of plants to make this Earth Day great! If you are a member, head over to your igloo to check out all the new cheats and surprises :)



Cool! First look at the make your own furniture! Funky designs!


Here's how to find the spiral coffee tree:

1. go to the 2nd page

2. Click on the flower I circled



You have now found the Spiral Coffee Tree!

Here's how to find the Potted Palm

3. stay on the 2nd page

4. click on the rock I circled



You have now found the Potted Palm!

Here's how to find the Ficus Plant:

5. Go to the 3rd page

6. Click on the carrot



You have now found the Ficus Plant!

Here's how to find the Snake Grass:

7. Stay on the 3rd page

8. Click on the picket fence



You have now found the Snake Grass!

Here's how to find the HD-TV:

9. Go to the 4th page

10. Click on the cherry



You have now found the HD-TV!

Here's how to find the Candy Stash:

11. Stay on the 4th page

12. Click on the Neapolitan Lamp


You have now found the Candy Stash!

Here's how to find the Marshmallow:

13. Stay on the 4th page

14. Click on the

hole inside the doughnut


You have now found the Marshmallow

Here's how to find the Penguin Gnome:

15. Go to the 5th page

16. Click on the coin symbol in front of the 500 coins wishing well



You have now found  the Penguin Gnome!

Here's how to find the Portal Box:

17. Stay on the 5th page

18. Click on the wishing well



You have now found the Portal Box!
Here's how to find the Clover Balloon

19. Stay on the 5th page

20. Click on the cloud over the pot of gold



You have now found the Clover Balloon!

Here's how to find the Green Clover:

21. Stay on the 5th page

22. Click on the word Clover




You have now found the Green Clover!

Here's how to find the original Puffle Posters:


23. Go to the 6th page

24. Click on the following depending on what poster you want click "picture": P= blue I = pink, C = black, T = purple, U = pink, R = white, E = yellow, and S = green :)










Here's how to find the Rock:

25. Go to the 8th page

26. Click on the Snow Fortress Wall



You have now found the Rock!
Here's how to find the icicles:

27. Stay on the 8thpage

28. Click on the top of the tree



You have now found the Icicles!

Here's how to find the dream catcher:

29. Go to the 9th page

30. Click on the red stove




You have now found the dream catcher!


Wow loads of cheats!



#10 Dance1519 2011-06-29 15:05
I Wish I Was On This Website In April!!!
#9 Lilyflow1 2011-05-07 21:22
I think this is a really cool website! thanks!
#8 status 2011-05-07 09:01
#7 Hunni Boo1 2011-05-06 10:41
Thanx this is dah best website
#6 Mingming1203 2011-04-28 23:55
What is 'Elephant'?
#5 Mingming1203 2011-04-28 23:53
I am back on and I found this very useful. Thanks alot
#4 ella41495 2011-04-16 03:40
go to cheats and go may 2011 click page 2 go click elephant
#3 smoshgirl 2011-04-15 12:04
i know all the catalog cheats but i may need help in the clothing catalog in may 2011 plz help : I
#2 sk8tergrl483 2011-04-10 19:53
I had computer troubles and couldn't get to the library or anything :P I was way to busy to post from tons of stuff :sad: I'm sorry but better late than never :-)
#1 Lollamepen 2011-04-09 22:19
Umm sk8ter why didn't u post cheats over like 3 or 4 days...?

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