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Firey Pin Cheat from Sensei

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Remember the post I make yesterday about the picture Club Penguin posted? My theory was right... I don't know why the Sensei is doing this but he says,"Help me find my firey items. Prepare for a new ninja journey. The sky tells us the time has arrived." What does this mean? Is this a secret code of some kind?  We will know soon...


Speaking of which, when the Sensei said "Help me find my firey items" he did actually mean that so lets get started. You can get more information on this by clicking on the fire at the top of your page.


1. The first firey object is in the fireplace of the Ski Lodge.

The first fiery object is in the fireplace of the Ski Lodge


2. The second firey object is at the Book Room. Click on the candle.

The second firey object is at the Book Room


3. The third fiery object is in the Pet Shop. Click on the black puffle in a cage.

The third fiery object is in the Pet Shop


4. The fourth firey object is in the Mine. Click on the oil lamp.

The fourth firey object is in the Mine


5. The fifth fiery object is in the Pizza Parlor. Click on the hot sauce on top of the pizza oven.

The fifth fiery object is in the Pizza Parlor


6. The sixth firey object is at the Cove. Click on the stick in the fire pit.

The sixth firey object is at the Cove


7. The seventh firey object is at the Beacon. Click on the jet pack by the game.

he seventh firey object is at the Beacon


8. The eighth firey object is at the Dojo Courtyard. Click on the red lamp on the left.

The eighth firey object is at the Dojo Courtyard


After you have found all of the firey items, you will receive the fire pin. To do this, go to the fire icon, and click the "claim prize" button. Good job!


Firey Pin Cheat

Firey Pin Cheat


Also check this out... if you are a ninja, go to the ninja hideout. Wow there are a lot of firey items! Hmmmm... I wonder why the Sensei needs all of these firey items. More information coming soon...


Prepare for a ninja journey

Prepare for a ninja journey



#24 klash 2010-01-21 14:11
do i have to be a secret agent to take it
#23 klash 2010-01-21 14:09
do i have to be secret agent to take it
#22 me 2009-09-27 07:11
best pinn cheet ever ever
#21 Bobzo99 2009-09-27 03:37
I really do thank this website cos of the pin cheats thanks very much !!
#20 dragamitio 2009-09-26 23:59
#19 Spookyboy 2009-09-24 13:12
#18 ronlin and summer 2009-09-20 12:50
thank u!
#17 tweentie22 2009-09-20 02:12
awsome thanks
#16 billybob 2009-09-19 16:18
bah humbug! this cheat rox!
#15 akhdjshdk 2009-09-19 12:37
That tip was a waste of time....... the pin is worthless

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