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New Silly Scarecrow Suit Cheat

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Club Penguin has a new constume in the Haunted house for members (sorry non-members!). Here's how to get it.

Sk8tergrl483 at Haunted House

Sk8tergrl483 at Haunted House


1. Go to the Mine (outside)


2. Go inside the Haunted House (member's only)


3. Go to the upper part of the house


4. Click on the box opposite of the pumpkin heads.


Silly Scarecrow Suit

Silly Scarecrow Suit


You have now found the Silly Scarecrow Suit. FYI this wasn't there before. It came out today :-)



#4 slidey86759 2011-04-05 17:07
how do u find herbert
#3 Hope 2009-11-25 08:50
#2 fishface 2009-10-31 12:07
I like it!
#1 puffleblue33 2009-10-31 06:54
too bad i'm not a member any more

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