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New Club Penguin Pin Cheat: The Snowman Pin

User Rating:  / 4

Wow this is probably the biggest pin ever! It's the Snowman Pin. Here's the cheat to find it:


  1. Go to Ski Village
  2. Go into Ski Lodge
  3. Go into the Attic
  4. Now click on the Snowman on the box


Snowman Pin Cheat

Snowman Pin Cheat

Snowman Pin Cheat Found

Snowman Pin Cheat Found

You have now found the Snowman Pin!


Cool! Now let's go take a look at the party!



#3 JEFTE7 2010-03-31 17:57
bueno este pin ya es muy antiguo
el actual es el panquesillo
y se encuentra
en la tienda de deportes
#2 gonzo 2010-03-30 02:38
#1 Woffbuffet 2009-12-21 03:54
Hi there You site is AWSOME, I love it! I would really like it of you would visit my site at: clubpenguinguid .nr please! You rock! Please comment on it if you can thanks so much.


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