Your guide to Club Penguin Cheats on Club Penguin!

Sweet New No-Name Cheat on Club Penguin

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Whoa, check this out! Have you ever made a movie or video clip on Club Penguin, and got annoyed by seeing these people in your movie? Well, we found a cheat to get rid of the people's names, and getting rid of seeing what they are writing.

1. Take out your Portal Box and place it in your house.
Image of Club Penguin No-Name Cheat

2. Once it is in your house, go to it, but before you get to the Portal Box, click the edit button.


3. You should end up in the Box Dimension, but look at the people there, (or if there isn't any people try the town) do the have a name? Try saying hi and pull down the chat bar.

Image of Club Penguin No-Name CheatImage of Club Penguin No-Name Cheat

4. This can easily be undone, just log off

Image of Club Penguin No-Name Cheat

Cool right? Yea I think so too! One problem though.... the Box dimension is NOT always going to be here. So you can't always rely on this cheat. Still cool though.


#18 Icepooka 2012-01-08 17:29
I did it and it worked
#17 abbeyrose2000 2011-03-28 03:07
cool but why does all the cheats i get off here never work?
#16 Blazeangel1 2011-03-04 11:02
Fun to know!:-)
#15 thrippy1 2010-10-05 09:46
how do u do it
#14 thrippy1 2010-10-05 09:46
how do u do it
#13 thrippy1 2010-10-05 09:39
it sounds so good but i am not a member
#12 thrippy1 2010-10-05 09:26
cool because i like partes
#11 thrippy1 2010-10-05 09:25
that is so cool sooooo cool wow
#10 775cv 2010-04-28 17:31
I have a box! I tried the glitch and it worked!!! Thank you SO mush sk8tergrl483!!!
#9 MagicWand124 2010-01-16 14:44
now there a portal box! :0! i have one. the portal box cheats is in the home page about the better igloos catalogs! i just loved this website!

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