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New Pin Cheat: The Carabiner Pin!

User Rating:  / 6

There's a new pin out. It's the Carabiner pin! Here's how to find it:


1. Go to the Beach

2. Go inside the Lighthouse

3. Go over to the triangle thingy




You have now found the Carabiner Pin! I love this pin!



#8 Beek Beek 5 2011-01-30 07:15
no it isent pizza parlor its light house ok understand girl!
#7 harebearson5 2010-08-26 11:27
i'm waiting for the newest pin on cp! so tell me when its here
#6 poo787 2010-08-20 22:26
well do a flip then my iggy on map plz
#5 sk8tergrl483 2010-08-17 17:13
Ok resucedule::: August 21, 3:00 PST Outback pizza parlor.. Reply if you can make it :-)
#4 Lollamepen 2010-08-14 23:06
I didnt make it sorry :sad:
#3 Lollamepen 2010-08-14 23:03
Sure :-)
#2 sk8tergrl483 2010-08-14 06:02
Hi how about tomorrow at around 3:00 penguin standard time, Server powder ball, and room pizza parlor :-) Can't wait to meet you! reply if you can make it :-)
#1 Lollamepen 2010-08-13 11:29
can we meet sometime in clubpenguin???? ??? SOrry i didnt reply last augest so.... can we?

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