Coins For Change Reviewed By You!

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Last week Club Penguin wanted to know what causes you donated to. Here's what Bumba1 said:


I donate to all of the causes because some people aren't as fortunate as us and I really want to make a difference. I saw what Club Penguin did last year for the kids in Haiti and I wanted to make more people happy this year. If we build shelter, people will be warmer and safer. If we donate towards saving our forests, we can save so many animal species! If we provide medical help, we can be a healthier world. I hope everyone thinks about how they are helping the less fortunate when they donate to Coins for Change. Happy holidays!



THat's a good idea! Thanks bumba1! This week CP wants to know what are you looking forward to in the new year?

I'm looking forward to meeting new friends, go on exciting trips, and have fun with all my friends! With 11 hours left of the year, I just have to say thank you for everyone that has visited CPL! I am so lucky to have a successful website and so many people who support me :) Thanks again guys! I wouldn't be able to do this without you! Let's have a great 2011 too! See you next year ;-)


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