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Review By You: Time Travel!

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New Review By You!

This weeks question asks where you would go if you could take Gary's Time Trekker anywhere and why? This question was created because the party is soooo soon!!!!!! OK so I would travel to the Viking time because I would like to wear their hats and ride in their cool sailboat thing! LOL Where would you like to travel using Gary's Time Trekker?! 

Make sure to comment  below where you would want to travel back in time! Also comment on Club Penguin because the winner will get 10,000 coins for free!!!!! I sure will!




#7 julia 2013-12-30 02:57
I would like to go to the oldcp I miss it :oops: :sigh:
#6 Jamma 2013-01-18 02:52
I love to time travel to other worlds and meet new people and want 1000 coins too
#5 jamie5156 2013-01-17 16:11
Puglove- I am creating a video today on a coin "cheat" I found so stay tuned for that coming soon!
#4 Maxjerry1234 2013-01-17 03:39
lava iggy furnicher item comes out tomarow members only :roll:
#3 me 2013-01-17 02:37
Viking time is good to me jamie!
#2 no way 2013-01-16 22:46
I would go back to the dinosaur time that would be so cool
#1 Puglove 2013-01-16 05:03
I have no coins so I need 100000 baddddd!

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