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New Room, Path, And Community Garden Coming Soon To CP!

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This Earth Day Club Penguin will be putting in a new Recycling Center near the Mine! It will be used to make old things into new thing! I wonder if this means that if old penguins don't want their old cloths anymore they can have other people buy them! That would be awesome!

Also there's going to be a new path which is going to lead to a new Community Garden is the Forest! Awesome!

These new places are going to be open on Earth Day.



I just got new pictures of the construction area:




There's also a new log in screen:



This is going to be so cool!!! I can't wait!



#6 Emma 2010-05-30 11:48
Um, how do you get the black puffle with the goggles and it like flames blue?
#5 maddy 2010-04-22 09:47
i love this game
#4 1 CAMP ROCK 1 2010-04-19 19:02
omggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg gggg LOL
#3 Xx Cool girl Sophie Xx 2010-04-19 08:22
coooooooooool Xx Hope its cool Xx
#2 Someone 2010-04-18 15:16
#1 coll 2010-04-15 23:53
coooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooo ol

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