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EPF Field Op Mission #56

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Today, I saw my spyphone blinking red so I knew it was time for another field op. As I headed for the EPF headquarters I saw something.... new.... anyways so I went to HQ and here's what Gary said:


"Sensei has sent us a message - we're likely to see massive changes to the island durring the Card-Jitsu party. We need to stress-test our equiptment. Find the coldest water you can, and runt the passcode decrypter."


On it gary! Let's check the Cove... that seems pretty cold!




"Well done agent. According to my calculations, the spy phone should be functioning in temperatures as low as 200 degrees Kelvin. We'll need to do a stress-test soon for hot temperatures. I wonder where I can get some lava..."


200 degrees Kelvin? That's REALLY COLD! Brrrrrrrrr! Lava? Lol. I hope you could do this field op agents! Cya next week!





#1 fern 2011-11-22 11:09
wicked it works thks

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