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EPF: Field Op Mission 41!

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There's a new field op! Here's how to do it:


1. Go to the command center

2. Go to the dock


3. Go over to the corner

4. Play the new field op. You need to be fast. You have to send a snowball through a maze in order to get it to it's destination




Error! Error! Critcal Damage detected! Sending emergency signal. Operation: Total Devestation failed. Shutting down in: 3 - 2 - 1 Bzzzzzzzzzzzzk


We did it! Probot has been defeated! Yea!!



#6 Captain Rockhopper 2011-06-14 08:19
Heyyy mates me hearties i hope to see you soon-Rockhopper
#5 Captain Rockhopper 2011-06-14 08:19
Heyyy mates me hearties i hope to see you soon-Rockhopper
#4 Lilly95580 2011-04-27 11:58
Its very hard but I can cope
#3 Lucas 2011-04-25 16:55
It's very hard but I finished.
#2 sk8tergrl483 2011-04-22 09:02
It is very hard. It even took me about 20 minutes to complete it :-) if you still can't do it, press the +/= key on your keyboard to turn cp into low definition (if you want it back to normal just press the +/= key again. This doesn't harm anything it just makes club penguin go a little faster with less lag) and then try it :-) I know it's hard but it can be done :-)
I hope this helped :-)
#1 rockhoear 2011-04-21 08:44
Its to hard

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