Your guide to Club Penguin Sneak Peeks on Club Penguin!

Positively Perfect Prehistoric Party Preview!

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Wow thats a whole load of P's! As I was browsing twitter today, I noticed that Club Penguin had posted an exclusive twitter sneak peek. It looks as if we will be able to transform into dinosaurs similar to the way that we could transform at the Holiday Party.


Do you like the idea of changing into a another animal? I mean its called Club Penguin for a reason but I think its a developing feature that will improve as time goes on. Right now we must not question the future of Club Penguin, but go back in time to the Prehistoric CP island. Ready? I am! Can't wait! Leave us a comment telling us what you are most excited to do!

Waddle On CPL!




#6 sany 2013-01-10 23:31
ahhhhhh!! im so unlucky cuz im non member!!
oh and in dollarama they seellll cp codes
#5 hollie 2013-01-10 18:19
hahahaha i see what you did ther!!!! :lol:
#4 jakejake5432 2013-01-10 16:42
SOOO cool wish it is today!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
#3 the joker 2013-01-10 14:51
I hope they have t-rex dinosaur cause thats my fav
#2 john 2013-01-10 04:03
that was supposed to be a dinosar in my message sorry!
#1 john 2013-01-10 03:54

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