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Music Jam Update, And A Contest Coming Soon...

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Ok, so the Music Jam is coming this Friday, and Club Penguin has seen a lot of creativity, and band practices. The team can't wait for the Music Jam to be released. Club Penguin also gave us this little sneak peek.


Club Penguin Music Jam Sneak Peek

Club Penguin Music Jam Sneak Peek


Hmmmmmmmm... little tough, but from the pink speaker in the corner, it looks like the pink speaker in the beach, the pink stage was also at the beach last year too. Pretty cool. In other news: remember last year when Club Penguin had the writing contest for the "Snowball Press" books? They are having another this year as well. You can submit your story in the Club Penguin Times July 23 - August 5. So get thinking!!! They will have more details later.




#1 Sadie1823 2009-07-15 03:52
hmm Ive seen pictures of the music Jam but this is just making me more excited!

yours in club penguin sadie1823

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