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PSA Agents and Tour Guide Get Paying Jobs

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What? Now paying jobs? Cool! Yes on May 1 PSA Agents and Tour Guides will get paid!

Image of Club Penguin PSA Agent

LOL! I don't know how much they are going to get payed, BUT THIS IS SWEETNESS!!! LOL!


Would you like to become a PSA Agent? Well, you have to be 30 days old, and have to pass the test. To take the test click on the golden "M" sign in the top right-hand corner of your screen. If you pass, you get a spyphone and access to the HQ.

Image of Club Penguin shieldImage of Club Penguin Spyphonealt

Would you like to become a Tour Guide? Well, you have to be 45 days old. Once you are that old go to Ski Village, and go to the Tour Booth. Take the quiz, and if you pass you get a free Tour Guide hat.

Image of Club Penguin Tour Guide


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