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New Series 5 Treasure Book Cheats

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Alright! Series 5 Treasure book is out. Here are the treasure book cheats:


Club Penguin Treasure Book

Club Penguin Treasure Book


Here's how to find the Firestriker wig, the Spikester Cuffs, the Orange Rockster Shirt, the Orange Sneakers, and the Black Sunglasses:


1. Go to the second page of the catalog.

2. Click on the last tree


Firestriker Wig, Spikester Cuffs, Orange Rockster Shirt, Orange Sneakers, and Black Sunglasses Cheat

Firestriker Wig, Spikester Cuffs, Orange Rockster Shirt, Orange Sneakers, and Black Sunglasses Cheat


You have now found the Firestriker wig, the Spikester Cuffs, the Orange Rockster Shirt, the Orange Sneakers, and the Black Sunglasses!


Here's how to find the Fairy Wig, Fairy Costume, and the Fairy Wings:

3. Go to the fourth page of the catalog

4. Click on the fish next to the mermaid


Fairy Wig, Fairy Costume, and the Fairy Wings Cheat

Fairy Wig, Fairy Costume, and the Fairy Wings Cheat


You have now found the Fairy Wig, Fairy Costume, and the Fairy Wings!


Here's how to find the Reindeer Antlers, Elf Suit, and Elf Shoes:

5. Go to the sixth page

6. Click on the snowflake shown


Reindeer Antlers, Elf Suit, and Elf Shoes Cheat

Reindeer Antlers, Elf Suit, and Elf Shoes Cheat


You have now found the Reindeer Antlers, Elf Suit, and Elf Shoes!


Wow these cheats are amazing, and the costumes are totally cool too!



#8 llllolol 2011-09-29 19:12
i love my cat
#7 everybody130 2011-09-29 19:08
I just use my name as a club penguin acount i need the code please!
#6 TINA VU 2011-05-15 12:57
#5 9butterfly9 2010-08-02 09:53
where can i find the book
#4 hailee545life2 2009-11-21 10:12
ya but will this stuff be here this year dude?
#3 Nimadi 2009-11-19 01:49
where to find cp treasure book its not in the game i think it is by code so please give me a valid code
#2 valentino x 2009-10-30 10:14
where do you get the costume from iwant to bye one is it onlyfor memebers
#1 con912 2009-10-23 10:27
where do u get the costume

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