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Furniture Catalog Cheats Jan/Feb Edition

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It's another Friday and a new Furniture Catalog is out! Here's the cheats:


Here's how to find the Portal Box

1. Go to the first page

2. Click on the cushion on the Stone Couch


You have now found the Portal Box!

Here's how to find the HD TV:

3. Stay on the first page

4. Click on the bottom part of the lamp



You have now found the HD TV!

Here's how to find the Snowboard Rack:

5. Go to the second page

6. Click on the ski poles



You have now found the Snowboard Rack!
Here's how to find the Nutcracker:

5. Go to the third page

6. Click on the bird on the Santa's Hat Snowman's hat



You have now found the Nutcracker!

Here's how to find the Small Christmas Tree

7. Stay on the third page

8. Click on the Christmas Wreath's bow



Here's how to find the Christmas lights:

9. Stay on the third page

10. Click on the star on the Christmas Tree



You have now found the Christmas Lights!

Here's how to to find the Coat Rack:

11. Go to the fourth page

12. Click on the cushion of the small blue chair



You have now found the Coat Rack!

Here's how to find the Wood Stove:

13. Stay on the fourth page

14. Click on the Leg of the wooden table



You have now found the Wood Stove!

Here's how to find the Shoe Rack:

15. Stay on the fourth page

16. Click on the piece of wood inside the fish tank



You have now found the Shoe Rack!

Here's how to find the Fireplace

17. Go to the fifth page

18. Click on the top of the tower show in the picture



You have now found the Fireplace!

Here's how to find the Icicles:

19. Stay on the fifth page

20. Click on the top of the Snow Wall Fortress



You have now found the Icicles!


Coolio! Now if we could just find out what's happening at the Mine...



#7 redbird 2010-02-04 17:00
i forgot what i was going to say
#6 redbird 2010-02-04 16:59
me to i am not one any way
#5 lollipop299 2010-01-28 17:33
Cool i have been trying to get a portalbel box for like forever!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
#4 vanessa lul 2010-01-17 23:53
its so cool at club penguin
#3 color2000 2010-01-16 13:11
im a member i already had that
#2 lovenhearts 2010-01-16 10:13
i wish i was a member
#1 Umacka325 2010-01-16 06:19
YAYS!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

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