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Coming Events And Sneak Peeks

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Well... there's alot going on in Club Penguin right now.... so Club Penguin wanted to give us an update on whats going to happen in the next few months. Here's a picture.


Club Penguin Upcoming Events


They also gave us this little list.

Parties - I can't give them all away... but did someone say "MASSIVE music festival"?
Costumes & items at the Stage! (Ruby's coming back!)
New clothing, wigs, and furniture!
Game upgrades - Members will see (and hear) some cool changes to DJ3K and more!
New Rooms - There's going to be some construction - renovations AND new places!
Special Appearances - I can't say too much, but some of our favorite penguins will be visiting... And there might be a chance to hang out with a wise Card-Jitsu master...


Meet with the Sensei? That sounds cool, and new places, and old places being renovated??? REALLY cool... hmmmmm I wonder where they are going to put the new places, what they're going to be, and what the old places are going to look like after they've been renovated.


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