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First Party Reviwed By You!

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Last week, Club Penguin wanted to know what your first Club Penguin party was. Here's what Mehnez101 said:


The first Club Penguin party I remember is............The 3rd Anniversary Party!!!!!!!! It was so much fun!!!! we all wore the crazy hats and I remember trying to find the pin especially made fot the party! It was a blue and orange cake with a big orange 3 at the top!!!!


Wow that's really cool! Thanks Mehnez101!




Since next week start the long party fest, this week we want to know - what's your favorite Club Penguin Halloween Party memory?


Well like I said, MY first party was the Halloween Party of 2007. I remember pumpkins, candy hunt, and a orange and black scarf! It was a really cool party :)



#3 hhbchgyb1ib 2011-04-14 21:34
hey guys,i have a new glitch for ya and its TOTALLY REAL.I know, I know ya don’t beilieve me, right? BUT THIS IS REAL. U can get the RAINBOW PUFFLE, THE GOLDEN PUFFLE, THEDIAMOND PUFFLE, AND THE SILVER PUFFLE!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! ALL ya have to do is just POST THIS in ANNY web page 3 TIMES!!!!once u ‘ve done, log on to club penguin, press F+5ctrl AND LOOK!!!! THERE ARE YOU UR PUFFLES!!!!hey guys,i have a new glitch for ya and its TOTALLY REAL.I know, I know ya don’t beilieve me, right? BUT THIS IS REAL. U can get the RAINBOW PUFFLE, THE GOLDEN PUFFLE, THEDIAMOND PUFFLE, AND THE SILVER PUFFLE!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! ALL ya have to do is just POST THIS in ANNY web page 3 TIMES!!!!once u ‘ve done, log on to club penguin, press F+5ctrl AND LOOK!!!! THERE ARE YOU UR PUFFLES!!!!hey guys,i have a new glitch for ya and its TOTALLY REAL.I know, I know ya don’t beilieve me, right? BUT THIS IS REAL. U can get the RAINBOW PUFFLE, THE GOLDEN PUFFLE, THEDIAMOND PUFFLE, AND THE SILVER PUFFLE!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! ALL ya have to do is just POST THIS in ANNY web page 3 TIMES!!!!once u ‘ve done, log on to club penguin, press F+5ctrl AND LOOK!!!! THERE ARE YOU UR PUFFLES!!!!
#2 hhbchgyb1ib 2011-04-14 21:34
hey guys,i have a new glitch for ya and its TOTALLY REAL.I know, I know ya don’t beilieve me, right? BUT THIS IS REAL. U can get the RAINBOW PUFFLE, THE GOLDEN PUFFLE, THEDIAMOND PUFFLE, AND THE SILVER PUFFLE!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! ALL ya have to do is just POST THIS in ANNY web page 3 TIMES!!!!once u ‘ve done, log on to club penguin, press F+5ctrl AND LOOK!!!! THERE ARE YOU UR PUFFLES!!!!hey guys,i have a new glitch for ya and its TOTALLY REAL.I know, I know ya don’t beilieve me, right? BUT THIS IS REAL. U can get the RAINBOW PUFFLE, THE GOLDEN PUFFLE, THEDIAMOND PUFFLE, AND THE SILVER PUFFLE!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! ALL ya have to do is just POST THIS in ANNY web page 3 TIMES!!!!once u ‘ve done, log on to club penguin, press F+5ctrl AND LOOK!!!! THERE ARE YOU UR PUFFLES!!!!hey guys,i have a new glitch for ya and its TOTALLY REAL.I know, I know ya don’t beilieve me, right? BUT THIS IS REAL. U can get the RAINBOW PUFFLE, THE GOLDEN PUFFLE, THEDIAMOND PUFFLE, AND THE SILVER PUFFLE!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! ALL ya have to do is just POST THIS in ANNY web page 3 TIMES!!!!once u ‘ve done, log on to club penguin, press F+5ctrl AND LOOK!!!! THERE ARE YOU UR PUFFLES!!!!
#1 MagicWand124 2010-10-21 16:50
The orange penguin and puffle look cute! lol (LOOK INTO THE PENGUIN'S EYES AND MOUTH LOOK SO CUTE!)

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